Pili Munoz

B.App.Sc (Osteo), Grad.Dip (Osteo.Paed).

My name is Pili, and I am the director and lead osteopath at Stillpoint Osteopaths. I was born across the ditch, in Australia, to a Spanish family. I have a teenage daughter, three stepchildren, and a dog (who you will often see at the clinic with me), who are all integral parts of my life. Outside of work, I
enjoy attending a Crossfit gym, trying out new recipes and watching new movies.

Over 30 years ago, I began my journey with osteopathy. I graduated from RMIT in 1992, not fully knowing how lucky I was to receive the comprehensive osteopathic education that I did. Being exposed to some exceptional osteopaths and their love for osteopathy in the cranial field (OCF) during my studies, lit a fire of curiosity and passion for osteopathy, that was a driving force in my pursuits for further learning.

I started out in practice and attended courses to further my skills and understanding of OCF. I completed my post graduate studies in Osteopathic Paediatrics and was grateful to attend courses with some incredible osteopathic teachers who worked with students of Dr Sutherland, the founder
of OCF. This added a depth to my work that, to this day, has been the platform from which I have grown my skills. In addition to these, I attended fundamental courses, courses on the Face, Oro-dental courses, and biodynamic courses, to name a few.

Early on in my career I started teaching with the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation of Australia and New Zealand (SCTF of ANZ), which then progressed to developing and contributing to the writing of programs in different aspects of OCF for the osteopathic profession. I have taught OCF in
Australia, NZ, Germany, and Switzerland. I am continually inquisitive, and receptive to what I can learn from others and the patients I have the privilege to work with.

As a health care professional who has a deep love for osteopathy, I focus on the body mind and spirit during my treatment. We are connected to our families, communities, and environments. I believe that focus on the physical body, our relationships with others, and our connections to the natural
world are a necessary part of my treatment approach.

As I have grown as an osteopath, my years of experience have helped me to acquire skills in the investigation and support of individuals with complex health complaints. I have progressed by extending my skills to the paediatric field. I have explored and gained experience with post-concussion care, digestive issues, women’s health, and pre and post-partum care. OCF being a gentle whole-body assessment and treatment approach allows me to provide a supportive and influential health care role in these areas.

In my practice today, I bring my knowledge and skills gained from my years of learning to every treatment, and I aim to provide a safe space for every patient, especially those beginning their health journey with us.

Greg Fitchew

BAppsSci, MOst, BEd.

I graduated with a Masters of Osteopathy late 2009 and joined Stillpoint Osteopaths in January of 2010. I have also completed graduate training in cranial osteopathy from both the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation and the Biodynamic method.

My early interactions with osteopathy led me to embrace a gentle approach to body work. I also. volunteered for a period at Youth line and studied developmental psychology at the University of Auckland both of which led me to include a patient centered style my own work. I especially enjoy using this approach to help my clients with chronic conditions and complex musculoskeletal concerns. I continue to be amazed by our capacity to compensate and recover from injury. Our systems never stop moving towards health despite the insults they face as we go about our lives.

Ill health and dis-ease are disempowering, I see a big part of my role is to empower people. To educate and equip patients with skills and knowledge, not only administering hands-on treatment. I am husband and a father of two young lads and live in West Auckland. In my free time you’ll likely
find me outside in the bush, doing Taiji or maybe cooking.

Janice Huang

Master of Osteopathy
B. App. Sc (Human Biology)
Postgrad. Cert. Health Science (Western Acupuncture)
B. E. (Electrical & Electronic)

I graduated from Unitec, Auckland, in 2010 with a Master’s degree in Osteopathy.

Ways of life to attain optimal health and true happiness have always fascinated me. Are we eating the right diet? What is a good posture? How about the activities we do day after day, and the thought processes that go on like auto-pilots?

This fascination eventually saw me reluctantly waving goodbye to a career in engineering to study osteopathy. I was attracted to osteopathy because of its comprehensive training, holistic considerations, and the fundamental anatomy and physiology on which it is based.

After graduating from Unitec, I took courses to improve my skills to better assist the needs of babies, children, and women during and after pregnancy. I also further trained in the gentle treatment approach called Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (OCF), and have completed courses including OCF treatments of the Face, as well as the Spine, Cranium, Pelvis, and the Limbs.

In addition to osteopathy in both OCF and structural approaches, I also use Western medical acupuncture and Yoga practices in my consultation when called for. I like to explain things clearly so that my patients feel empowered to help themselves.

I am a registered ACC treatment provider and speak fluent English and Mandarin. I enjoy working with people of all ages and backgrounds.

Yu Rain Zhao

OCNZ registered Osteopath
Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Acupuncture NZ member Acupuncturist

App. Sc (H.B.), B.M. (Acupuncture and Tuina)

I was born into a family with a heritage of traditional Chinese medicine. As a child, I started helping my grandfather grind herbs and prepare remedies. After graduating from the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine as a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner, I practiced for seven years as an acupuncturist and physical therapist at Beijing Puhua International Clinic. I helped a wide variety of patients with many different illnesses, such as infants with colds and fevers, women with pelvic floor dysfunction, seniors recovering from strokes and post-surgery after traumatic brain injuries. My experience has shown me the importance of providing compassionate and patient-centred care, where each person is treated as an individual with unique needs and circumstances.

During my time working in Beijing, I had the opportunity to work with two chiropractors who used network chiropractic and cranial techniques. I was amazed by the therapeutic effects of these techniques they employed. Through my studies, I learned that the cranial approach is a technique within osteopathy. 

Due to my interest in Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (OCF), I came to New Zealand in 2016 to study osteopathy. I also became an ACC registered acupuncturist and worked for eight years as a TCM practitioner in Auckland. 

In my last year of osteopathic study, I was completing my Masters thesis ‘Comparing Chinese Manipulative Therapy with NZ Osteopathy in treating Musculoskeletal Disorders’. Through my research, I learned that Chinese manipulative therapy and osteopathy share similar principles and techniques, but they have distinct differences in their approaches to treating musculoskeletal disorders. This knowledge has expanded my understanding of different therapeutic approaches and allowed me to incorporate aspects of both Chinese manipulative therapy and osteopathy into my practice. 

In my final year of study, in addition to completing my Masters thesis, I started training with Pili Munoz at Stillpoint Osteopaths to hone my palpatory skills in osteopathy in the cranial field (OCF). Having completed my osteopathic studies, I am committed to using a range of structural and functional techniques from osteopathy and Chinese manipulative therapy providing more comprehensive and effective treatment options for my patients.

I have particular interest in musculoskeletal conditions, woman’s health, fertility, pre- and post-partum care, post-surgical care, and gastrointestinal issues. I look forward to helping you on your journey to health.

Sharon Lightfoot-Pound


From a young age, I loved to dance and ski. Subsequent knee and back injuries led me to study the healing exercises and alignment principles I share with clients. I have 30 years of experience teaching yoga and am a certified Pilates instructor. In Seattle, I worked for a renowned physical therapist and co-authored the book Move Well on core exercises and posture tips for health. I teach meditation techniques, including Integrative Rest©.

I love working with people of all ages and abilities to achieve their health goals. Specialising in exercises for injury prevention and rehabilitation, I coach you to improve movement habits, so you can enjoy your passions, be it sports, gardening, or alleviating pain.

I have an eye for the subtle alignment of posture. I can help you with accessible programs to build strength, gain mobility and flexibility, improve balance, and integrate sustainable ways to sit, lift, walk, and sleep. With a broad knowledge of breath and meditation practices, I offer techniques to reduce stress and anxiety.

I developed the Yoga and Well-being program for the Multiple Sclerosis Centre – Swedish Neuroscience Institute, Seattle, WA. Currently, I lead well-being and posture education courses to improve health and safety in the workplace and tutor one-on-one and community classes.


My approach is to listen to your history and observe your posture and musculoskeletal alignment in the activities you wish to perform easily. I assess where you need to build strength or flexibility to achieve your goals. You will receive a program of accessible exercises and posture prompts customised to your needs.

Functional movement exercises complement osteopathic treatments by helping you stabilise, balance, and strengthen your body for efficient, pain-free, and sustainable movement.
Posture and Gait Analysis: I identify underlying patterns of posture or joint imbalances impacting your well-being. To enhance your understanding and ability to integrate healthier habits to stand, walk, lift, and rest, I can take digital photos to show before and after results. You will receive step-by-step guidance to achieve gradual improvement.
Meditation is proven to benefit mental and physical health, reduce stress, manage pain, and help us to feel more connected to and accepting of ourselves and others. There’s a myth that meditation is being able to think of nothing, whereas I believe it’s about observing our thoughts, emotions, and sensations without being overwhelmed. 
I have trained in the well-researched iRest protocols and offer several alternative methods. For example, you may enjoy Yogawalks, which is meditating while walking.
Breathing techniques: Trauma, genetics or misalignment in posture may diminish the natural and efficient mechanics of breathing. I teach anatomical and yoga-based breathing techniques for improved mental and physical well-being.
Home Office and health and safety courses: Ergonomic guidance to set up your desk, computers, chair, and body for sustainable neck, shoulder and back health. Learn safe manual lifting techniques, customised exercises, and stretches for daily movement breaks.
Functional movement, meditation, and breathing exercises help with:

  • Neck and Back pain
  • Fitness and holistic health
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Sciatica and Leg pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Work Injuries
  • Hip pain
  • Sports Injuries
  • Joint and Muscle pain
  • Arthritis
  • Tiredness/Fatigue

Sarah Jackson

BAppSc(HB) M.Ost

Hi I am Sarah. I have been practicing Osteopathy since graduating from Unitec in 2004 and specialising in Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (OCF) since 2007. I was always interested in health, but I did not learn of Osteopathy until my twenties and the more I learnt, the more I understood its philosophies and they made sense to me. I like how we never treat just a part; it is always with the whole in mind.

I used to work at Stillpoint Osteopaths about 10 years ago. Since then, I have travelled, continued my Post Graduate Education in OCF and practised Osteopathy part time while
having 2 small children.

Sara is available
Monday 10:00am – 2:00pm
Tuesday 2:00pm – 6:00pm

Olivia Wells

B App Sci(H.B), M.Ost, Cert PEMF Pract, Cert PEMF Pract (Adv).

Hi, my name is Olivia, I grew up on the beautiful Kapiti Coast and moved to Auckland where I completed my Masters in Osteopathy at Unitec.
Struggling with my own health and pain in my teenage years led me to osteopathy, and I understand and empathise with the trials clients face due to pain, illness and sporting injuries. My personal experience gives me a passion for helping clients get back to their best and regain their quality of life.
I specialise in gentle techniques, osteopathy in the Cranial Field (OCF) and structural techniques when required to be able to tailor sessions to each client’s individual needs.

I have an interest in the management of women’s health. My master’s research investigated the self-management strategies for endometriosis related pain. My study revealed the crucial impacts of mental and emotional aspects of health on self-management and the relationship between mental and emotional wellbeing and pain.
My study also discovered self-management techniques for mental, emotional, and physical aspects of health. This research has informed my clinical practice by using my study findings to provide a holistic approach to osteopathy and to help to empower each person on their journey to regain quality of life.
I carry a holistic viewpoint on health and I’m currently completing a psychology certificate which allows me to gain a better understanding of the impact chronic conditions and trauma may have on physical and mental health.
Additionally, I gained certification as a Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) practitioner, and I provided treatment for patients as well as train other practitioners in PEMF therapy. PEMF therapy uses technology to stimulate and exercise cells to help resolve cellular dysfunction and to support overall wellness.
I believe osteopathy combined with PEMF therapy may help patients improve their pain and their quality of life.
In my spare time I enjoy playing tennis, spending time in nature, spending time with friends and family and trying new activities/hobbie .